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Search: Posts Made By: jam_ed
Posted By jam_ed On 29-05-2005 | Views: 1,432 Replies: 1
I'm planning on modelling a building with walls wich consist out of identical square elements.

I want to try different materials on these elements, and i was wondering if it is possible to change...
Posted By jam_ed On 03-03-2005 | Views: 2,589 Replies: 3
Whenever I copy a polygon with a specific size, its duplicate has size 1,1,1 (even though it has the same size as the original). Is there a way to get the proper sizes on the duplicates?
Posted By jam_ed On 27-09-2004 | Views: 4,147 Replies: 18
I like the scene, but I think maybe you should play around with the carpet motives, this one's a bit blurred and repetitive
Posted By jam_ed On 23-09-2004 | Views: 1,704 Replies: 1
can anyone tell me how I can project a sky texture on the windows of the building I'm modeling?

I've heard something about HDRI but I don't konw if it's the proper tecnique for this problem.
Posted By jam_ed On 19-09-2004 | Views: 2,346 Replies: 8
Ok, i added the windows, background, and started adding dirt, but as you can see I really suck at it... how can I make some convincing dirt textures? and also how can i reflect the sky on the...
Posted By jam_ed On 19-09-2004 | Views: 2,346 Replies: 8
hey thanks for the replies

Do I have to uv map the building to apply the dirtmaps or can it e done more easily? (my texturing has been done with planar mapping)

I'm currently working on the...
Posted By jam_ed On 18-09-2004 | Views: 2,346 Replies: 8
this is a building I've been modeling this week

comments en critics about modeling, texturing and lightning are more then welcome....
Posted By jam_ed On 16-09-2004 | Views: 1,096 Replies: 2
What's the best way to make bump maps if you already have a texture file for your shader?
Posted By jam_ed On 08-09-2004 | Views: 1,600 Replies: 3
hey, thanks for the replies, they really helped

one question though, how does that mapping on a plane work?
and will the tree still cast shadows in this way?
Posted By jam_ed On 08-09-2004 | Views: 1,792 Replies: 3
looking good, i'm working on that one too....

does anyone know how to make the shape of the roof of the tower? Here's what I'm talking about:
Showing results 1 to 10 of 58